Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hey. so I stumbled across an old poem I did (I think it's in my older arts page) and I decided to fix it up a bit. work in progress, because honestly, the original version was horrible LOL.

Oh Canada, Our home and native land…
Native? Exaggerated terms that are a little creative
 We are immigrants brought by the people who entered land to invade it
Thinking that European culture would make good and emancipate it
When all it really, did was enslave it.
Forcefully assimilated the Natives
Stole the peace they created
Returned their kindness with hatred
And called it progress.
True patriot love, in all thy sons command...
Using the term love loosely, lying profusely
Two-faced giants, morally non compliant
Euphemizing history in hopes that they can hide it
Why fight? Just re write. Forget and start fresh.
So we offer help in hopes to redeem ourselves, and prove we’re the best
And all of a sudden we are Peace Keepers…
With Glowing hearts, we see the rise...
But have we really risen?
So many innocents in prison. Flawed judicial systems
That keeps the wealthy men winning?
The True North strong and free...
Slaves to society, for what’s a chain if it’s called by a different name?
Capitalism tied around our necks, consumerism anchoring our feet
Western greed that prevents struggling families to eat
While the rich get richer, and the poor live in frustration
It’s all mental slavery, just minus the plantation.
From far and wide, Oh Canada! We stand on guard for thee
God keep our land...
God bless us in all our wrong doings
The materials we’re pursuing
The people we’ve brought unto ruin
Because to build a nation, we must destroy a people
History proves to that progress comes from stepping over the feeble
Glorious and Free...
Smile, and salute.
This is patriotism. This is progress. This is Canada.
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee!
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee!

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