Sunday, July 31, 2011

Flipping Tables

It's been months since I've posted anything, and I am SO sorry !  to be honest, lately I've been having a hard time writing because nothing seemed to inspire me. So I put my notebook away for a while. I'm hoping that I can get my groove back and I think I have !
So I was given the opportunity to write/perform a poem for church.  They were having a little talent expo outside and it turned out to be pretty good in all honesty ! 

Flipping Tables

i've always been the type to
break rules and to
challenge authority and to
question the ones who have
done it before me see,
my name is the youth 
and my, behaviour is likely so
with all due respect please,
don't take us lightly.

We are that mob in the street 
disturbing the peace
cause these days the definition of peace
has been misplaced and misshaped 
to translate to complacency 
But trust me, God is a part of our mob 
cause he was the first one to flip over 
tables in the synagogue 

We are that undeniable riot 
throwing slings at goliaths
And our greatest opposition is out silence. 
see we, work when its quiet

We observe.

Our mission isn't to corrupt the church
nah nah,  plenty has been done without our help.

 We are that army around jerico  
marching around waiting for the walls to crumble 
So that we can infiltrate and recreate 
The word God had intended to spread.
We like to do things a little different

But that doesn't mean that its wrong.
Just because the blue bird sings it
don't mean the red bird can't remix its song. 
 For example, to you, 1 plus 1 may equal 2 and thats cool
but  sin45 to the power of 2, times 4 multiplied by 3.14 divided by pie, 
don't ask me how or why, STILL equals the same thing.

Our minds overflow with endless possibilities of outreach
Spreading the word God once preached
So believe me, the last thing i care about is
who in the pews I need to please.

Cause I am not that chick
who gets wrapped up in church politics
God said he who is without blame cast the first stone
But you pick up bricks
Using rumours as whips
And gossip to start conflict
Hate me now but I'm just being honest.

Like God did, I am about to start flipping tables.
And erasing labels and
Showing people the equal grounds God placed us ALL on.

cause I've...
always been the type to
break rules and to
challenge authority and to
question the ones who have
done it before me see,
my name is the youth 
and my, behaviour is likely so
with all due respect please,
don't take us lightly.

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