Fade out.
It's just a thought but...
Maybe drugs aren't as bad as people perceive
They offer more than what reality gives us
Opening a door to a 5th dimensional world
Where sanity is no longer a prerequisite in order to live a socially acceptable life-
But an option.
Have you ever been in such a dark place in your mind
Wishing that you could just control time, retrace chapters and rewind
Yet life is pausing, playing and fast forwarding you into a state of mind completely
Unhealthy for an unstable mind- just like mine. See,
I can understand the use of drugs.
It comes from the belief that there is no God above,
It's meaning derives from a broken heart sick of love
So we puff puff pass our problems to the side
Inhale life, exhale the moments we've died, then breathe it all back into our nostrils
Cause at one point, we all got to go out
So i feel for the people who hide behind the poisonous clouds they blow out of their mouths.
Finding shelter behind the smoke, scared to be exposed
The want to hide and be non existant.
I've been there.
It's sickening to know what a man would give to disappear.
To be anywhere other than here
Cause the present don't seem like a present
So why keep a gift you don't fucking want?
Fade out.
Fade in...
The belt strap around his arm couldn't be any tighter.
This time he requires no lighters so he
Dedicates the needle to all the people who search for an escape.
When he opens his eyes, it's either he sees hell or pearly gates
No time to waste, rushing through mistakes
He injects a lightning bolt up his arm
That jolts his entire being.
Eyes rolled back so far that memories are all that he's seeing
In his attempt to electrify all the feelings within him
Who knew that moving ones mind from here would have the pleasantries of an electric chair
So fucking high that he must've high fived Jesus
Who tried to teach us the right way
Somehow he never turned straight
Fade out.
Fade in...
She stares into the mirror unpleased
"I have no one else to blame but me"
Opening bathroom cupboards searching for pills
Purposely trying to get ill
Downing pharmaceuticals cause she never felt beautiful
And hopefully one day she will wake up seen with self esteem.
Or just wake up period.
Why take life so serious if everyday she lives is a joke.
Showering pills down her throat
Not letting any opportunity pass by, that could potentially get her high
A pill for each moment of happiness she has missed
Turning insanity into a beautiful bliss
Without the pain of slitting her wrists- she much prefers this.
Forget hopes and dreams
Life is actually as bad as it seems
The world has never been kind enough to let you succeed so she
Fades out.
Fades in.
Fades out.
Stays out..